Exploring MICE travelers’ desires and perception on marketing mix factors (7Ps) towards community-based MICE activities
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This study aims to explore Thai MICE travelers’ desires and perception on Marketing Mix Factors (7Ps) towards community-based MICE activities. A mixed research method was employed in this research. The sample size is 318 Thai MICE travelers. The data collecting instrument was a questionnaire with the use of frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, and followed by independent t–test statistics. Also, In-depth interviews were used to collect detailed information beyond initial surveyed answers.
The findings reveal that 1) most of the Thai MICE travelers prefer experiential community-based tourism activity, but least in luxurious activity 2) Thai MICE travelers who have different personal factor in gender, age, and type of organization desire differently in community-based MICE activities at the 0.005 significant level. Explicitly, female travelers desire food related activity, and wellness activity than male travelers; younger travelers desire adventure, but older travelers desire wellness activity; MICE travels from public sector desire historical and cultural activity as well as adventure than MICE travelers from private sector. 3) Nevertheless, the finding reveals insignificance on personal factor towards the Marketing Mix Factors (7Ps).
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