Customer retention in The hotel and resort businesses with halal systems: A case study in Krabi province
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Hotel and resort businesses are very highly competitive, especially among hotels and resorts located around the major tourism resources, thus, marketing strategies aiming to create long term relationship for customer retention become essential. The purpose of this paper was to (1)investigate factors on the characteristics of relationship affecting customer retention in hotel and resort business with Halal system in Krabi Province; (2)study factors on customer experience affecting the customer retention; and (3)also study factors on service quality affecting such customer retention. The sampling group consisted of 443 Muslim tourists who had used the hotel and resort service with Halal system in Krabi Province. The research tool was a questionnaire and the data analysis was through mean, standard deviation, percentage along with regression analysis statistics. The findings show that three factors of primary variation are (1) character of relationship; (2) customer experience; and (3) service quality in which their Sig is 0.00, that is, all three factors lead to the customer retention in hotel and resort business with Halal system in Krabi Province. Subsequently, the hotel and resort operators need to maximally pay attentions to the factors of service quality, particularly on reliability and the feature of relationship, the style of word of mouth, in order to build the capability in maintaining their customers while creating lifelong and sustainable business.
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