Developing A Basic Guitar Skills Training Set For Junior High School Students, PBISS International School, Surat Thani
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The objectives of this research were to 1) develop a basic guitar skill training package for lower secondary school students, PBISS International School in Surat Thani; 2) determine the efficiency of a basic guitar skill training package for lower secondary school students, PBISS International School in Surat Thani; and 3) compare the results of pre-and post-applications of
basic guitar skill training package for lower secondary school students, PBISS
International School in Surat Thani. Conducting studies with experimental
research (pre-experimental research). The sample for this study consisted of 20 grade 7 lower secondary school students, selected using simple random sampling using the classroom as a random unit by drawing lots. The instruments used in this research consisted of 1) a basic guitar skills training package; 2) a Lesson plan of a basic guitar skills training package; 3) a pre-and post-test. Determine the instrument is quality by evaluating the content is fidelity. By considering into consideration the index of consistency (Index of Item Objective Congruence: IOC) having a score of 0.75 on the IOC, Statistics used to
determine efficiency E1/E2 , and statistics used to evaluate data, Mean (x), Standard Deviation (S.D.), and comparing the findings. The T-test-dependent test of the hypothesis measures success in mastering basic guitar abilities.
The results of the research were as follows: 1) the development of a basic guitar skills training package comprised of 8 parts: 1.1) basic guitar; 1.2) the fretboard of a guitar; 1.3) basic music theory for guitar practice; 1.4) chords in key C and rhythm; 1.5) chords in key G and rhythm; 1.6) chords progression (I-vi-ii-V); 1.7) chords progression (IV-ii-V-I); and 1.8) examples of popular song, 2) the basic guitar skills training package scores the efficiency of 81.30/88.20 which met the specified 80/80 threshold, and 3) learning achievement through the basic guitar skill training package suggested that the mean of the post-test scores are higher than that of the pre-test scores with statistical significance (p=0.05). The results of the basic guitar skills
training package research provide guidelines for developing guitar playing skills. And teachers can use it to effectively create music instruction
management in other tools.
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