The Development of Learning Management Platforms Using Constructivist Concepts on the Topic of Educational Administration Theory and Innovation for Graduate Students

Main Article Content

Ntapat Worapongpat
Phongsak Phakamach


 This research aimed to design, create, test, use, and evaluate
learning management platforms based on constructivist concepts on the topic of Educational Administration Theory and Innovation for graduate
students. This research is research and development. The samples were the students in Master of Educational Administration Innovation, Rajamangala
University of Technology Rattanakosin, for a total of 28 graduate students in the year 2020 by random cluster sampling using the classroom as a random unit. The research methodology consist of four step: 1) user requirements, 2) design and development, 3) tested and evaluated, and 4) performance improvement. The quantitative data were analyzed, showing mean and standard deviation. Qualitative data analysis was used in content analysis.
The research results were as follows: 1) platform prototype
developed using the DBLC process. Experts considered the platform suitable for practical use in teaching and learning. The overall satisfaction of the
students in learning with the platform is at a high level, and 2) the structure of this education platform consisted of a content website, lecturers and students database, knowledge evaluation model, knowledge memorandum, web board, knowledge asset, document download, and gallery. Moreover, the obtained platform will provide educators with practical skills to
effectively learn about educational management theories and innovations, including better developing skills in using online digital platforms.

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How to Cite
Worapongpat, N. ., & Phakamach, P. . (2022). The Development of Learning Management Platforms Using Constructivist Concepts on the Topic of Educational Administration Theory and Innovation for Graduate Students. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 14(2), 80–106. retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biography

Ntapat Worapongpat, Promote Alternative Education Association



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