A Study of The Changes in The Ban Songkhla Muslim Community, Talat Sub-District, Chaiya District,Surat Thani

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Nurulhuda Jehloh


This research article aims to study the history, change, and factors that resulted in the change of Ban Songkhla Muslim Community, Talat
Sub-district, Chaiya District, Surat-Thani Province. The research instrument collects data using qualitative research methods, such as surveys, interviews, and observations of relevant documents and research areas. The key informants were selected by purposive sampling. The data was analyzed with content analysis and presented the study's results in a descriptive analysis.
The research findings revealed that the Ban Songkhla Muslim
community is located in Talat Sub-district, Chaiya District, Surat Thani Province. Most of the community members have a history of being Muslims who
immigrated from their original area of Ban Hua Khao Daeng, Mueang Songkhla. Since its founding, the Ban Songkhla Muslim community has existed for at least 300 years. As time has passed, the people's way of life in the community has changed from the original practice. There are five important aspects that cause a change: 1) family, 2) career, 3) education, 4) language, and 5) religious traditions and culture. And the factors that affect the change of the community consist of two important factors: 1) internal factors, including the increase in the population living in the Ban Songkhla Muslim community, the need of job security and higher levels of education. And 2) external factors, including developments in education from the public and private sectors, development of public utilities and technology. The study results on changes in the Songkhla Muslim community provide an understanding of social conditions and
multiculturalism, knowledge of changing trends, and a database for
the study and sustainable development for multicultural community in the society.

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How to Cite
Jehloh, N. . (2024). A Study of The Changes in The Ban Songkhla Muslim Community, Talat Sub-District, Chaiya District,Surat Thani. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 16(1), 97–114. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jhsc/article/view/251932
Research Article


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