The Contemplation for Developing the Teacher Characteristics in the 21st Century: The Pre-Service Teachers

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Montree Linphoo


Contemplation is the intuition based on the well-trained mind through pondering with the consciousness leading to the awakening of all thing values, see the solidarity connectedness among oneself, others,society, and environment which causes the inner tender within the self and leads to docile, respect and honour each humanness with the integration of loving-kindness towards mankind and entire beings as well as havingconfidence in self-potential to dismantling the subconsciousness of smug and selfish which is the root of self-attachment in order to expand the awareness dimension in living together that consider the public benefits as a target and be ready to act the creative changes to the organization, the society, and the world. Contemplative Learning is the alarm of awakening of attributes within humans leading to insight intuition in order to revolutionize from smug to generous with the loving-kind and supportive mind.

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How to Cite
Linphoo, M. . (2021). The Contemplation for Developing the Teacher Characteristics in the 21st Century: The Pre-Service Teachers. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 13(2), 176–191. retrieved from
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