The Creative Choral Music : Pursue Wisdom, Preserve Virtue

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Chalongchai Thatsanakowit


 This research is a creative research to identify the method of 1) To create music composition “Pursue Wisdom, Preserve Virtue” in term of choral by four-part. Thus, present analysis concept of Suratthani Rajabhat University organizational culture. 2) To present principle of music theory with composition and arranging in term of choral. The song has 3 parts that includes, part A-B-C has been played 3.11 minutes for total long period. Present through merging with analysis concept of Organizational culture to become core value of Surathani University, named “Pursue Wisdom, Preserve Virtue”. Which has brought to be attitude and raw material to produce music and voice communication under the song name of “Pursue Wisdom, Preserve Virtue in term of choral four-part. This research has been present both Music Theory with composition and arranging in term of choral four-part within melody and composition music for choral such as part of Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass. In addition, the knowledge was assembled from interviews with relevant experts assembled in this research as well as aims at the value of the work in aesthetics. Including, academic values in music.

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How to Cite
Thatsanakowit, C. . (2020). The Creative Choral Music : Pursue Wisdom, Preserve Virtue . Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 12(2), 78–112. Retrieved from
Research Article


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