Thai Foreign aid in International Relations

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Katsamaporn Rakson


This article aims to study Thai foreign aid in aspect of international relations resulting from the shifts in global system in terms of economic, societal, and political power, which brings about unparalleled development among states. Foreign aid becomes a tool of more powerful states providing the aid for development to weaker states, for example, in the case of poverty, disaster, and epidemic disease. Foreign aid can be implemented in from of offering cash, loan or objects. The impact of foreign aid leads to the increasing production and employment, the reduction of poverty, and enhanced diplomatic relations among states. It is potential for Thailand to create good allies with neighbours by adopting foreign aid as a diplomatic tool. Nonetheless, through neighbours’ perspective, the fact that Thailand plays its role as a donor state can bring about managing and gaining economic benefits from neighbours.

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How to Cite
Rakson, K. (2021). Thai Foreign aid in International Relations. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 13(1), 153–171. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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