Literature Analysis of Local Medicine Texts from Bood Book of Lamthong Temple, Mueng District, Suratthani Province

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Nattha Wipolchai



            The study aims to analyze local medicine texts from Bood Book of Lamthong temple at Suratthani province. The objectives were to analyze language wisdom which appeared in local medicine texts and to analyze beliefs value and rituals which appeared in local medicine texts.

            The finding shows that the wisdom of alphabets using and writing method of the original local medicine textbook from Bood Khao Book which recorded these 9 local medicine textbooks onto Bood Khao Book. In term of the wisdom in the use of strategies for recording local medicine texts found that the recorder presented the strategies for recording local medicine texts which related to knowledge of the recorder presented the strategies for recording folk medicine texts in relation to knowledge of local medicine man. There were the use of strategies for drug formula foreword, drug formula postscripts and mentioned about drug formula background. For the wisdom of language arts using, the recorder selected words in local medicine textbook properly. Most of words are Thai central dialect and Southern Thai dialect, and uses a particular Southern dialect. Moreover, the writer was use Pali-Sanskrit vocabulary which represented the sacredness of local medicine texts and the ritual treatment used.

            In term of beliefs found that local medicine texts reflect the Buddhism beliefs, hell, a story of Kassapa Buddha, the Triple Gem. It is also showed the belief of supernaturalism such as holy things, ghosts and superstition. In term of rituals were mentioned the teacher ritual worship for local medicine man and Batplee ritual to sacrificial to the Ghost Mother and ghosts.

            Local medicine texts from Bood Book of Lamthong temple at Suratthani province. It is a cultural heritage that reflects the wisdom of treating diseases inherited from the past. It is an important tool in cultivating local culture. Sustaining social institutions and controlling old age social patterns to survive. The faith of the people on the Local medicine texts.


Keywords : Local medicine texts, language wisdom

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How to Cite
Wipolchai, N. . (2018). Literature Analysis of Local Medicine Texts from Bood Book of Lamthong Temple, Mueng District, Suratthani Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Suratthani Rajabhat University, 10(2), 110–144. retrieved from
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