Pathway Analysis of Factors Influencing the Price of Concentrated Latex in Thailand


  • Orasa Tuntiyawongsa Assistant Professor, Ph.D., King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok
  • Kewalin Mali Assistant Professor, Ph.D., King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok
  • Pichlanda Sonthiwilon Ph.D., King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok
  • Kamonnat Meetawo Assistant Professor, Ph.D., King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok
  • Amorn Pochanasomboo Ph.D., Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives


Price of Concentrated Latex , Concentrated Latex, Future Markets, Path Analysis


The purpose of this research was to analyze the correlation path structure of factors influencing Thailand's concentrated latex export price. Secondary data were used during 2007- 2121 using Path Analysis technique. The most influential factor that directly affected the export price of concentrated latex was the STR20 futures price in Singapore market. The second most influential factor with a statistically significant indirect effect through the Singapore STR20 block rubber futures price was the Malaysian exchange rate. China Inflation and Malaysia's gross domestic product, respectively. Therefore, in order to increase the efficiency of concentrated latex production management, the government should provide knowledge and understanding of the Singapore Rubber Futures Trading Market (SICOM); the factor that directly affects the price of concentrated latex, including economic conditions in Malaysia and China. In addition, developing a comprehensive price communication channel for farmers and producers to have a complete reference price for decision-making in production planning.


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How to Cite

Tuntiyawongsa, O., Mali, K., Sonthiwilon, P. ., Meetawo, K. ., & Pochanasomboo, A. . (2023). Pathway Analysis of Factors Influencing the Price of Concentrated Latex in Thailand. Journal of Industrial Business Administration, 5(2), 66–76. retrieved from



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