The Relationship among Organizational Commitment, Organizational Loyalty and Job Performance of Accountants in Rayong
Organizational Commitment, Organizational Loyalty, Job Performance, AccountantAbstract
The main objective of this study was to study the relationship among organizational commitment, organizational loyalty and job performance of accountants in Rayong. The sample group used in this research was 305 accountants in Rayong. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The statistics used to analyze the data were mean, standard deviation, correlation analysis and test the hypothesis by multiple regression analysis.
The results showed that organizational commitment, organizational loyalty and job performance in all aspects has a high level of opinion. When considering each aspect, it was found that the highest aspect was affective commitment, followed by continuance commitment, normative commitment, organizational loyalty and job performance. The results of multiple regression analysis revealed that affective commitment positively affected organizational loyalty and job performance. While continuance commitment has a positive impact on job performance and normative commitment positively affects organizational loyalty. Also, organizational loyalty has a positive impact on job performance. Therefore, companies need to focus on organizational commitment. Especially, affective commitment because it is an important driving force in building organizational loyalty and job performance. this will lead the organization to effective business results in order to greater business success opportunities.
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