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วันทกาญจน์ สีมาโรฤทธิ์


This research attentively investigated the Isan food culture in order to improve the food recipes and to create the menu set from those developed recipes to serve according to the international food service standard. Practically, the qualitative data was collected from the in-depth questionnaire and cooking demonstration with 70 key informants including the local scholars, operative staffs, food producers, and the female community members that had been selected by a purposive sampling method. This qualitative data was processed via a descriptive analysis. 

            The research outcome indicated that in term of the Isan food culture in Mahasarakham Province, the local food recipes from Khao Rai subdistrict in Na Cheuak district could be reinvented including as: Pla Som (pricked fish), Pla Yor (fish sausage), and Pla Kuan Rang; meanwhile the local recipes from Tha Khon Yang Sub-district in Kantharawichai district could be reinvented including Puffball Mushrooms Spicy Salad and Raw Ant Eggs Spicy Salad. According to the international food service standard, these improved foods should be presented as a self-service menu in which all dishes should be served at one corner of the room with a fine-looking arrangement and required utensils and equipment e.g. plates, spoons, forks, dipping bowl, and additional containers as the customers can freely have foods as they prefer. This food service is commonly called “buffet”.

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