Buddhist Psychology Program on Eco-meditation Ways for Sustainable Forest Conservation for Youth


  • Phramaha Yanapat Atipalo Ph.D. Buddhist Psychology, Department of Psychology, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Buddhist Psychology, Eco-Meditation, Forest Conservation, Youths


             This research has three objectives: 1. to analyze the principles of Buddhist Dharma, concepts, Related theories of psychology and ecological prayer to synthesize the concept of Buddhist Buddhist Psycology on Eco - Meditation ways. 2. To synthesize the characteristics and factors of the Buddhist Psycology program on Eco - Meditation ways for sustainable forest conservation for youth. 3. To develop and evaluate the Buddhist psycology Program on Eco - Meditation ways for sustainable forest conservation for youth. This research is a combination of methodology and quasi-experimental research. Using quantitative research methods and qualitative research methods, expand the results of quantitative research methods. The samples are: Youth High School Wat Samnak Khro The sample was assigned using G*Power program with a sample group of 60 people.  Quantitative data analysis uses t-test statistics, two-way repeated measures (ANOVA), and qualitative data analysis using content analysis methods.

             The research found that:

             The concept of Buddhist psychology of the ecological way of meditation is the concept of integrating the principles of Buddha Dharma Trisikkha and the principles of Buddha Dharma Paratokosa together with psychological theory and the concept of eco-meditation. 2. The characteristics and factors of the Buddhist Psychology of Eco-Bhavana program are: 1. Seeing beauty, 2. Appreciation, 3. Fear of forest depletion, 4. Intention    3. The results of the environmental behavior program, namely attitudes and awareness  in 4 areas, showed that the experimental youth had a statistically significantly higher mean score than before the experiment and higher than the control group at the level of  .05.  Qualitative data supporting quantitative data showed that participants developed environmental behaviors in forest conservation, leading to sustainable forest conservation.


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How to Cite

Atipalo, P. Y. (2024). Buddhist Psychology Program on Eco-meditation Ways for Sustainable Forest Conservation for Youth. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 10(1), 57–70. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/human/article/view/273644