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The findings from the analysis indicated that organizational management in the disruption era with the challenges organizations face in rapidly adapting to organizational and technological change. The objectives were to 1) study organizational management factors that affected organizational adjustment and management strategies in the era of disruption, 2) study values that can be used in the future, and 3) make recommendations from the analysis. From the analysis of the concept and results, it was found that (1.1) creating an innovation culture where organizations had to support innovation and development to respond to market changes continuously; (1.2) investing in developing employees' skills and knowledge was essential for enabling rapid and effective adaptation; (1.3) the use of information technology was a crucial instrument for enhancing efficiency and reducing risks in work processes; (1.4) adopting a flexible organizational structure enabled organizations to respond more quickly to changes, ensuring their survival and growth in the disruption era and enhancing the value of sustainable utilization and response to future changes; and (1.5) managing an organization in the era of disruption requires rapid adaptation, leveraging technology effectively, having visionary leadership, inspiring motivation, a strong team, a flexible structure, emphasizing innovation, and developing organizational culture for success. 2) The knowledge gained from the study indicated that it can contribute to enhancing the value of its utilization and sustainably responding to changes in the future. Additionally, recommendations from the findings should focus on developing continuous learning and skill development policies for personnel, enhancing the flexibility of the organizational structure to respond to changes by using technology to improve efficiency and reduce risks. It also suggested supporting a culture of innovation and investing in personnel skill development and technology usage to increase efficiency and flexibility in responding to changes and technologies in the disruption era.
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