Focus and Scope

      Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Arts is a journal of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at  Udon Thani Rajabhat University. Its objective is to serve as a center and platform for disseminating research articles and academic articles. The scope covers content in the humanities, social sciences, arts, as well as other related fields.

 Peer Review Process

      The published articles go through a quality evaluation by 3 expert peer reviewers specialized in the respective fields from various institutions. The peer review process is double-blinded, meaning the reviewers do not know the authors' identities, and the authors do not know the reviewers' identities (Double-blinded peer review).

 Types of articles

  • Research article
  • Academic article


  • Thai
  • English

 Publication Frequency

The journal is published twice a year:

  • Issue 1: January - June
  • Issue 2: July - December

Publication fee

    The journal does not charge any publication fees at any stage of the process


  •  Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences,  Udon Thani Rajabhat University