Guidelines for Article Writers

      Article Consideration

      The Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Arts accepts academic works in the form of research articles and academic articles, in both Thai and English languages, covering the scope of humanities, social sciences, arts, and other related fields. The editorial board applies the following criteria for screening articles:

      1. Authors must prepare the manuscript according to the specified submission guidelines.

      2. The article must not have been previously published in any journal and must not be under consideration by another journal.

      3. The article must not plagiarize or reproduce parts of others' works without proper permission or citation.

      4. The editorial board will screen the articles. Articles passing this stage will proceed for evaluation, while those failing will be rejected for publication.

      5. Articles passing the editorial screening will be sent for quality assessment by at least 3 experts in the relevant fields from various institutions through a double-blind peer review process.

      6. The statements, content and information published in the journal are the responsibility of the article authors, not the opinions or responsibility of the editorial board.

      7. If authors fail to prepare the manuscript according to the guidelines or fail to make revisions within the specified timeframe, the editorial board reserves the right to cancel publication.

Manuscript Preparation for Authors

       In the initial consideration of articles, the journal will evaluate the type of article, the scope of content, and the writing format. The details are as follows:

      1. Types of Articles The journal will consider the following types of academic works:

          1.1 Academic Article An academic article with accurate academic content, clear concepts and presentations that are beneficial to the fields of humanities, social sciences, and arts. It comprises an abstract (in both Thai and English), introduction, body of the article divided into: Part 1 with a heading related to providing context before the main content, Part 2 with a heading related to data analysis, reasoning, critique/criticism, argument, etc. following academic principles, theories and cited evidence, and Part 3 with a heading related to presenting opinions or recommendations, conclusion, acknowledgments (if any), and references.

          1.2 Research Article A research work or part of a research project that follows proper research methodologies, provides clear problem-solving, and presents new findings that demonstrate academic advancement and benefits to the fields of humanities, social sciences, and arts. It includes an abstract (in Thai and English), introduction, research objectives, definitions (if any), research hypotheses (if any), research conceptual framework, research methodology, research results, research conclusion and discussion, recommendations, acknowledgments (if any), and references.

      2. Scope of Journal Content The journal will consider articles in the following areas: humanities, social sciences, political science, public administration, law, linguistics, arts, music, dance, community/social/local development, as well as interdisciplinary studies for regional development and other related fields.

      3. Article Writing Format The journal has specified the following article writing format:

          3.1 Page Setup Use A4 paper size, TH Sarabun New font in black throughout. Set all margins (top-bottom-left-right) to 2.54 cm. Align text with Thai paragraph rules, line spacing 1.0. Indent the first line 1 inch (approx 4 tabs), and use additional 0.5 inch indents for subheadings. The manuscript should be 15-20 pages long (including abstract, figures, graphs, tables, and references). Use Arabic numerals throughout (except when using specific terms that require Thai numerals or special symbols).

        3.2 Details for Each Section

              (1) Academic Article - Comprises:

                   - Title - Provide both Thai and English titles. Set font size 18, bold, centered alignment. The English title must be in all capital letters.

                   - Author's Name - List all authors' first and last names in both Thai and English. Mark the corresponding author with a subscript number after their name (e.g. Nutthanuch Mekara1,*). Use font size 14, regular, centered.

                   - Address and Affiliation - Provide as a footnote on the first page in both Thai and English. For students/instructors, specify department, faculty and university. Use font size 12, regular, left aligned.

                   - Email - Provide only the corresponding author's email after the footnote marker(*) (e.g. *Corresponding author. Email: Use font size 12, regular, left aligned.

                   - Abstract - Provide abstracts in both Thai and English with corresponding content following proper grammar rules. For English articles, only an English abstract is allowed. Limit to 400 words maximum. Use font size 16, regular, with headings in bold.

                   - Keywords - Provide 3-5 keywords in both Thai and English. Use font size 16, regular, with headings in bold.

                   - Introduction - Write to pique the reader's interest, explaining importance or raising interesting issues. Use font size 16, regular, with heading in bold.

                   - Body - Comprises: Part 1 with a heading providing context before the main content, Part 2 with a heading on data analysis, reasoning, critique/criticism, arguments, etc. following principles, theories and cited academic evidence, and Part 3 with a heading presenting opinions or recommendations. Organize content logically and coherently. Use figures, tables, graphs or diagrams to aid understanding. Use proper academic language. Use font size 16, regular, with headings in bold.

                   - Conclusion - Summarize key points presented by linking and combining main ideas. Explain significance or potential applications. Use font size 16, regular, with heading in bold.

                   - Acknowledgments (if any) - Mention funding sources or supporters who enabled the academic work, specifying fund names, agencies, fiscal years or sponsors as appropriate. Use font size 16, regular, with heading in bold. 

                   - References - Use the Name and Year (APA) citation style. Use font size 16, regular, with heading in bold.

              (2) Research Article - Comprises:

                   - Title - Provide both Thai and English titles. Set font size 18, bold, centered alignment. The English title must be in all capital letters.

                   - Author's Name - List all authors' first and last names in both Thai and English. Mark the corresponding author with a subscript number after their name (e.g. Nutthanuch Mekara1,*). Use font size 14, regular, centered.

                   - Address and Affiliation - Provide as a footnote on the first page in both Thai and English. For students/instructors, specify department, faculty and university. Use font size 12, regular, left aligned.

                   - Email - Provide only the corresponding author's email after the footnote marker (*) (e.g. *Corresponding author. Email: Use font size 12, regular, left aligned.

                   - Abstract - Provide abstracts in both Thai and English with corresponding content following proper grammar rules. For English articles, only an English abstract is allowed. Limit to 400 words maximum. Use font size 16, regular, with headings in bold.

                   - Keywords - Provide 3-5 keywords in both Thai and English. Use font size 16, regular, with headings in bold.

                   - Introduction - Describe the background, significance and reasons for studying the research topic to demonstrate its value. Cite related previous research. Use font size 16, regular, with heading in bold.

                   - Objectives - State the aims of the research, what is to be studied. Objectives should align with the title. If multiple objectives, list them numerically in order (e.g. 1. ...., 2. ....). Use font size 16, regular, with heading in bold.

                   - Definition of Specific Terms (if any) and Hypothesis (if any) - Define specific terms used in the research article and state the research hypothesis, if applicable. Use font size 16, regular, with headings in bold.

                   - Conceptual Framework - Outline the conceptual framework and link relevant theories to show variables or research scope. May include a literature review section, as appropriate. Use font size 16, regular, with heading in bold.

                   - Research Methodology - Describe the study approach, divided into sub-sections: Population and Sample, Research Instruments, Data Collection, Data Analysis. If the research involved human subjects and received approval from an Institutional Review Board (IRB), state this as well. Use font size 16, regular, with headings in bold.

                   - Results - Report the research findings completely and aligned with the objectives, using clear and proper academic language. Explain any figures, tables, charts or graphs provided. Use font size 16, regular, with heading in bold.

                   - Conclusion and Discussion - Summarize the research results and discuss the findings, highlighting the knowledge gained. Provide justifications and compare with relevant theories or prior research to reasonably and credibly support the results according to academic principles. Use font size 16, regular, with heading in bold.

                   - Suggestions - Provide suggestions arising from the research results, divided into: Suggestions for Application, and Suggestions for Future Research. Use font size 16, regular, with heading in bold.

                   - Acknowledgments (if any) - Mention any funding sources or supporters that enabled the research, specifying fund names, agencies, fiscal years or sponsors as appropriate. If no external funding was received, this section can be omitted. Use font size 16, regular, with heading in bold.

                   - References - Use the Name and Year (APA) citation style. Use font size 16, regular, with heading in bold.

      4. Writing Citations The journal requires citations to follow the APA 7th edition style, divided into two types:

          4.1 In-Text Citations These cite the author's name, year of publication (use "n.d." if no year), and page number(s) if applicable, corresponding to the full reference list entry. Referenced works should generally be current, published within the past 10 years, unless they are classical theories or foundational principles. Details:

               (1) If mentioning the author in the text, cite only the year and page(s) in parentheses after the name, e.g. "This aligns with the research of Chutiphong Khongsanthia et al. (2023: 12), which stated that..."

               (2) If referring only to findings, content or a part of the work, cite the author's name, year, and page(s) in parentheses, e.g. "The knowledge management model by Nonaka and Nishiguchi (2001: 14-18)..."

               (3) If citing multiple works by the same author(s) in the same year, use suffixes a, b, c, etc. after the year, e.g. Chutiphong Khongsanthia et al. (2023a: 12) and Chutiphong Khongsanthia et al. (2023b: 90).

               (4) For 1-2 authors, list all names. For 3+ authors, list the first author followed by "et al.", e.g. Kanittha Rungwannasak et al. (2023: 25-44), Khongsanthia et al. (2023: 1-15).

          4.2 Reference List List all references at the end, alphabetized by author's last name. If there are both Thai and English references, list the Thai ones first (alphabetized ก ข ค...), followed by the English ones (A B C...). For references longer than 2 lines, indent the 2nd and subsequent lines 8 spaces or 1.5 inches.

Article format template and detailed citation format can be downloaded here: