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Suwat Duangseanput


This study investigated the problems and development guidelines of community justice centers in Udon Thani Province, Thailand. Community justice centers are local institutions that provide legal services and dispute resolution to the public. The study aimed to identify the challenges and opportunities for improving the management and performance of these centers. The study used a qualitative approach with purposive sampling. The data sources were 17 staff of the Udon Thani Provincial Justice Office and 200 representatives of 40 community justice centers in 20 districts. The data collection tool was a structured interview, and the data analysis technique was content analysis.The results revealed that the main problems of the centers were the lack of compliance with the Ministry of Justice’s guidelines, the low level of knowledge and awareness among staff and the public, and the insufficient public relations channels. The study suggested that the development guidelines for the centers should include the enactment of clear laws, the creation of a working network, the enhancement of knowledge and understanding, and the diversification and continuity of public relations.


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How to Cite
Duangseanput, S. . (2024). COMMUNITY JUSTICE CENTERS DEVELOPMENT IN UDON THANI PROVINCE. Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Arts, 5(2), 59–76. retrieved from
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