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Kamonchanok Nokmuang
Natthika Maribut
Narisara Inchaeng


This creative performing arts work aims to provide an understanding of the literature of the Mahavesandorn Jataka and to use it as a foundation for creating a dance performance titled “Ae-Aong Anongnart Ratcha Matsri.” The creator has chosen the 13th chapter, Nakhon Khand, specifically the part where Queen Phusadee presents adornments (Ae), to convey the dance movements in the form of a creatively crafted folk-dance performance, gathering information from books, manuals, research works, theses, and research articles.

From the gathered information, the creators have recognized the significance of Princess Matree, who exhibited delicacy in every gesture, including bathing and dressing, before returning to Si Phin City. A total of 21 performers were involved, consisting of 7 male actors and 14 female actors. The costumes were inspired by the attire of the Isan people and the paintings (Huup Taem) found on the walls of the ordination hall (Sim Isan), combined with the imagination of the creators. The jewelry was selected to suit the performance, ensuring it was beautiful and appropriate for the wearers. Additionally, there were songs and musical instruments accompanying the performance, with new music created using Isan instruments. The performance was divided into three segments as follows:

          In the first phase, Queen Phusadee presented adornments (Ae) to Queen Matsri for her to prepare and bathe. The creator skillfully devised 24 poses in 2 rows.

          Phase 2 described the beauty of the musical instrument and the beauty of Princess Matsri, where the creator has devised 38 poses in 2 rows.

          Phase 3: The praise and admiration of Queen Matsri before her return to Si Phe Nakorn. The creator has devised 25 poses in 2 rows.

The performance featured a total of 87 poses arranged in 6 rows, utilizing a board format with alternating rows and diagonal arrangements, defining directions in 4 ways according to the stage layout. All of this was a hallmark of the creative dance work titled "Ae-Ong Anongnat Ratcha Matsri" which brought novelty to the audience and added value to the performing arts for future occasions.


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How to Cite
Nokmuang, K., Maribut, N., & Inchaeng, N. (2024). THE CREATIVE DANCE WORK “AE-AONG ANONGNAT RATCHA MATSRI”. Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Arts, 6(2), 19–38. Retrieved from
Research Article


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