Market Segmentation for E-commerce Aircraft Tickets Business in Thailand

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Chavis Ketkaew
Chanidapa Sookcharoen
Kwanjira Poonsree
Nut Chaijaroen


Aircraft ticket consumers in Thailand can be categorized by using various indicators or clusters to serve purpose of each study. In this paper, the three generations namely X, Y and Z with their incomes were used to investigate the market segmentation for the online purchase via internet or Electronic commerce (E-commerce). The data shows and examines the differences and similarity of the three generations about performance expectancy, conveniences of using airline websites, price sensitivity, behavioral Intentions and hedonic motivation. The data were collected using an online survey (n = 3,064). The results and main finds were discussed in two parts; demographic segmentation and psychographic segmentation with descriptive quantitative research method using Chi-square and T-test. This paper is the first which using the three generations to study about the segmentation in the aircraft thicket purchase. The findings can surely assist marketers to provide the appropriate and effective marketing plan, incentives or promotion for their target groups and can lead to better understanding about the behavior of the XYZ generations.


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How to Cite
Ketkaew, C. ., Sookcharoen, C. ., Poonsree, K. ., & Chaijaroen, . N. . (2021). Market Segmentation for E-commerce Aircraft Tickets Business in Thailand. Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Arts, 2(1), 1–17. retrieved from
Research Article