Phra Buddhabat Bua Bok Worship Ceremony: Development of the Ceremony which Becomes the Cultural Heritage of Udonthani
ประเพณีนมัสการพระพุทธบาทบัวบก : พัฒนาการประเพณี พิธีกรรม สู่มรดกภูมิปัญญาทางวัฒนธรรมของจังหวัดอุดรธานี
ประเพณี, พิธีกรรม, รอยพระพุทธบาท, มรดกภูมิปัญญาทางวัฒนธรรม, จังหวัดอุดรธานี, Customs, Rites, The Buddha Footprint, Intangible Cultural Heritage, Udon Thani ProvinceAbstract
This article aimed to study 1) the development of the Phra Buddhabat Bua Bok worship ceremony, 2) the customs, rites, and beliefs related to the Phra Buddhabat Bua Bok Worship ceremony, and 3) the cultural value of the Bua Bok Buddha worship ceremony at Phra Phutthabat Bua Bok, Ban Phue District, Udon Thani Province. The qualitative research method was used. The study was conducted by document reviews, participant observation, and in-depth interviews. The findings of this study indicated that the Phu Phra Bat has been a sacred religious place and a place of beliefs throughout the prehistoric age, the Dvaravati period, and the times of the Khmer and the Lan Xang cultures. Phra Phutthabat Bua Bok is a replica of the Buddha’s footprint located on the slope of Phu Phrabat Mountain. Originally, Phra Buddhabat Bua Bok was covered with a Mondapa building. Later, around 1922, Venerable Phra Ajarn Sithat Suwanmajo had the old Mondapa shrine demolished, and then built a new Phrathat Chedi there instead. After the construction was finished, there was a merit-making fair to celebrate this important religious structure. The worshipping event is held as the Temple annual fair and has developed into a tradition of worshiping the Buddha's footprints today. The main events consisted of Buddha Footprint worshipping and the rite related to the legend of Naga-king Milinthanak. It is considered as an important annual event of both the temple and the community for almost 100 years which is important for the continuation of Buddhism in the local area. Buddhists and the communities surrounding Phu Phra Bat play an important role in helping this tradition continue to the present day. In addition, these communities took their important part in preserving the identity of the traditional event, along with preserving the legend of Usa-Baros, as well as preserving the natural environment in Phu Phra Bat Historical Park. It is a cultural heritage that is nearly losing. It is deserved to be preserved, promoted, and maintained by the government and local authorities to ensure their survival for future generations.
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