A Study of Faith and Rites Related to Spirit Houses of Thai Buddhists in Khok Pho District, Pattani Province
คติความเชื่อและพิธีกรรมในการตั้งศาลพระภูมิของชาวไทยพุทธ อำเภอโคกโพธิ์ จังหวัดปัตตานี
Faith, Rite, Spirit, Spirit House, คติความเชื่อ, พิธีกรรม, พระภูมิ, ศาลพระภูมิAbstract
This research was conducted to study the historical background of the rites of setting up a spirit house and the faith which influenced in Khok Pho district, Pattani province. Document data collection and interviews with the locals and folk intellectuals at Makrut, Bangkro, and Naket villages were utilized to obtain the process of setting up a spirit house. The findings were as follows.
The rites of setting up a spirit house influenced people’s way of life in different aspects.
- Social aspect: Concrete influences of the rites were not obviously witnessed. However, the morality of the householders was indirectly refined via the appropriate practice towards the spirit house.
- Educational aspect: The wisdom of setting up a spirit house should be inherited since the knowledge could be linked to different fields of study.
- Economic aspect: The rites of setting up a spirit house resulted in economic circulation. There were connections between buyers and sellers, householders and setting-up specialists, householders and votive offerings sellers, as well as sellers and agriculturists.
- Environmental aspect: The people believed that the spirit house should be cleaned and the trees around the area should be protected so as to avoid punishment. The research suggestions included 1) the conservation and promotion of local wisdom regarding faith and the rites of setting up a spirit house, and 2) the promotion of exquisite designs of spirit houses by the Thai artists as another form of tourist attraction.
Therefore, it is significant that to the villagers, a spirit house should be set up as it had direct spiritual influences on the residents in terms of their comfort, safety, and well-being.
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