The Use of German Adjectives in Literary Translation in Terms of Religious Belief and Culture
Adjective, Translation, Religious Belief, Culture, คำคุณศัพท์, การแปล, ความเชื่อทางศาสนา, วัฒนธรรมAbstract
This article mainly focuses on the use of German adjectives for literary translation based on religious beliefs and cultural aspects. In this regard, the translation work Phädang-Nangai, translated from Thai into German, was examined. For the data collection and data analysis, adjectives indicating religious belief and culture were specifically collected and purposively analyzed for conducting a semantic method to analyze texts in terms of conveying religious and cultural meanings. Hence, the analysis was performed qualitatively based on the conceptual framework of the study. This leads to the conclusion that adjectives found in the data have both linguistic and communicative functions. Regarding linguistics, they have helped translation work construct the concept of semantic transfer for cross-cultural communication between the two languages. In relation to communicative translation and culture, the use of adjectives is crucial to create and convey the meanings based on attitudes through the text according to the intention of the translator. It is also recommended that this area of study can be further examined in terms of other branches of linguistics and language teaching.
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