Game Localization Strategy for Chinese to Thai Online Gaming Term and Expression
Online Video Game, Translation Strategy, Online Gaming Term, เกมออนไลน์, กลวิธีการแปล, คำศัพท์ทางเทคนิคAbstract
This study has the objective to study about translation strategies of technical words and phrases in the user interface from Mandarin to Thai in 5 Chinese online games, which uses the qualitative method with Baker Theory as a research criterion. In this study, we found that the difference between game translation and articles, books, and novels translation because other factors such as letters, symbols, soundtracks, graphics, and cultural appropriation, also known as “game localization” has influence on the translation. Researchers conclude 4 strategies in translating which are Thai literal translation, Thai free translation, Paraphrase into Thai then use Loanword proper translation, and English literal translation. The translation strategies above need to take into consideration of the recipient base terminology and make a poetic flavor equivalent to the original. Many of the online games will initially lunch with only English translation resulting in Thai players accepting English technical terms and expressions till the modern days. Likewise, the computer symbols accompanying the original must be preserved. Therefore, these words have a great influence on how to translate Chinese games into Thai.
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