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Prach Phaungngern
Kanokporn Pakeechai
Kanokkarn Klomklaw
Jarunee Thongaram
Chutinun Wilamas


This article presents a mixed-methods research study aimed at analyzing consumer behavior and the customer journey for goat products in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya province. Data on consumer behavior were collected from a sample group of 943 consumers of goat products at restaurants offering goat-based dishes in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya province., The samples were divided into accidental sampling before and after awareness-building (before the study: 523 samples, after the study: 400 samples). Additionally, a targeted sample group of 20 customers was chosen for in-depth interviews to analyze the consumer journey. The research results revealed two main consumer groups: 1) existing goat consumers, who were local residents with purchasing power, aware of the nutritional benefits, and chose to consume goat products due to the product itself and its taste; and 2) new consumers, who had not previously consumed goat products primarily due to lack of exposure to the product and hesitancy to taste it. The key factors influencing the decision to consume goat products consisted of, in order of importance: the product itself, followed by marketing/promotion efforts, price, location of purchase, the restaurant’s image, family/friends, service, and restaurant staff. Regarding the customer journey, consumers typically began by becoming aware of the product through social media pages of restaurants and promotional pages. In the attraction phase, consumers sought additional information by asking those who had already tasted the product or by conducting their own research via social media. In the trust phase, younger target groups expressed interest and willingness to taste goat products, driven by the Soft Power trend. This led to the decision-making phase and, ultimately, to the recommendation of goat products to their close acquaintances. The knowledge gained benefits store owners, enabling them to develop marketing strategies that align with customer needs.

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How to Cite
Phaungngern, P. ., Pakeechai, K. ., Klomklaw, K. ., Thongaram , J. ., & Wilamas, C. (2024). ANALYSIS OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOR AND CUSTOMER JOURNEY FOR THE GOAT PRODUCTS IN PHRA NAKHON SRI AYUTTHAYA PROVINCE. Journal of Liberal Art of Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi, 6(3), 849–863. retrieved from
Research Articles


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