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Goat meat is a good source of protein because it is low in fat and high in iron compared to other types of meat. But there is only a specific group of people consuming goat products. This article therefore has the objective to analyze factors according to customer group characteristics and market factors that affect the opportunity to increase the demand from goat products. It is quantitative research. Data were collected from interviews using a structured questionnaire that was tested for reliability, confidence and exemption from considerations for Ethics in Human Research. From a group of 400 goat products consumers by selecting a judgment sampling and by mean of snowball sampling. Then analyze the data to find relationships by using Ordered Logit Models, estimate the quantity of consumption from goat products and analyzes the marginal effects of factor variables according to customer group characteristics. And marketing factors that affect the opportunity to increase the demand from goat products. The results of the research found that consumer income factor: 20,001 - 40,000 baht per month and marketing factors include production factors, price and marketing promotion that affect in the same direction with a statistical significance of 0.01. And physical presentation affect in the same direction with a statistical significance of 0.05. The factors that affect the opportunities to increase the demand from goat products were found to be in the age range of Generation X consumers (99.97%) and Baby Boomer generation (99.77%). The monthly income is less than 10000 Thai baht (99.73%), which increases the frequency of consumption from once a month to once every 1-3 days with a statistical significance of 0.01.
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