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Warit Wasayangkul
Yosakorn Wannawijit
Tharida Sakulrat


The objectives of this article are: 1) to study the context of Pak Nam Prasae sub-district community, 2) to study the potential and problems in accommodation management, and 3) to obtain guidelines for developing accommodation management homestay to support tourists in Pak Nam Prasae sub-district, Klaeng district, Rayong province. This research is qualitative that the key informants are people in the community, entrepreneurs, government and private sectors in the total of 30 people.  The tools used are semi-structured interviews and meeting minutes. Data from focus group meetings were collected and analyzed for content.

The research results found that (1) For community context dimension, community area are next to the sea, people are fishermen, there are local traditions and community products and as well as community tourism and established homestay groups; (2) Potential and problems in homestay management used the 7P as follows : 1) In terms of products or services, there are homestay accommodations, food, and services for tourists, 2) In terms of price, the price is set based on the facilities of the accommodations, 3) In terms of distribution channels, there are still few channels, the target group is not fully aware, 4) In terms of marketing promotion, there are few, 5) In terms of friendliness, they are friendly and welcome tourists well, 6) In terms of process, homestay groups are established 7) In terms of natural resources and the environment, there are joint activities to take care and conserve. Considering problems and obstacles, it was found that some homestay owners have financial problems as problems in providing accommodation, tourism activities, homestay group management; (3) The guidelines for the development can be describes as 1) Developing overall management in the group, 2) Developing knowledge for people in the community, 3) Providing financial knowledge 4) Promoting conservation of resources community.

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How to Cite
Wasayangkul , W., Wannawijit, Y. ., & Sakulrat, T. (2024). GUIDELINES FOR DEVELOPING ACCOMMODATION MANAGEMENT HOMESTAY TO SUPPORT TOURISTS PAK NOM PRASAE SUBDISTRICT KLAENG DISTRICT RAYONG PROVINCE. Journal of Liberal Art of Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi, 6(2), 518–532. retrieved from
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