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This research aims to: 1) study the characteristics of research in Phrae province, 2) synthesize the research findings and discoveries in Phrae province according to the Phrae provincial development strategy, and 3) propose development approaches for Phrae province according to the provincial strategy. The data was collected from research reports funded by Thailand Science Research and Innovation, the National Research Council of Thailand, and research articles published through the central electronic journal database of Thailand between the years 2012 and 2023, totaling 250 articles. The tools used in the research included a research characteristic recording form and a data extraction recording form. Content analysis was used as the method for research analysis. According to the research findings, all the studies were applied research. The synthesis of research correlates with the provincial development strategy for 2023–2027, revealing that the predominant findings closely align with Phrae province's developmental agenda. Notably, these findings resonate prominently with Strategy 4, which prioritizes enhancing quality of life, followed by Strategy 2, focusing on the sustainable conservation and restoration of natural resources. Strategy 1 underscores the augmentation of agricultural productivity, economic growth, trade, and investment, while Strategy 3 aims to elevate tourism development within the region. The development guidelines comprise Strategy 1, focusing on enhancing the value of products and managing supply chains. Strategy 2 emphasizes sustainable conservation and restoration of natural resources and the environment. Strategy 3 should assess the potential of tourism resources and study factors influencing tourism. Strategy 4 prioritizes elevating quality of life through promoting healthcare, public health services, and community participation. The results of the synthesis of research in Phrae province provide a clearer overview of the area's knowledge, serving as a basis for policy-making decisions.
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