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This research has the objective: 1) to study the current communication format within the Nonthaburi Chamber of Commerce organization, 2) to study the problems and obstacles of communication within the Nonthaburi Chamber of Commerce organization, and 3) to create innovative participatory communication processes within the digital organization to promote administrative efficiency of the Nonthaburi Chamber of Commerce. The research employed qualitative research methodology by means of in-depth interviews and focus group. The 24 key informants consisted of 10 key informants chosen from in-depth interviews and 14 focus group participants.
The results of the research found that: 1) The current communication format within the Nonthaburi Chamber of Commerce organization consists of 3 formats that promote the management efficiency of the Chamber of Commerce, including 1) listening to opinions through members and stakeholders 2) having chamber meetings regularly and 3) disseminating information through various media accessible. 2) Problems and obstacles of communication within the Nonthaburi Chamber of Commerce organization, Nonthaburi Chamber of Commerce are caused by the way operators often not raising those problems to ask for advice or openly discussing them as well as Ignoring and hiding the problem even these problems and obstacles can solve by talking and communicate more about every issues together with emphasizing on meeting to exchange views, and 3) Innovative participatory communication processes within the digital organization to promote administrative efficiency of the Nonthaburi Chamber of Commerce are began with the management of the Chamber of Commerce organization giving importance to communication both inside and outside the organization through policies and various news to those involved and to the operators and related people. The appropriate communication channel is having digital technology as a part of communication.
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