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This research is a qualitative study aimed at 1) examining the current situation in preparing hotel structures to accommodate elderly tourists, 2) identifying problems and obstacles in preparing hotel structures, and 3)proposing improvements for hotel structure preparedness. Data were collected using record forms and surveys from 4-5 star hotels in Phuket, covering all three districts, totaling 6 hotels. In-depth interviews were conducted with 12 hotel owners or managers.
the objectives of the project were 1) the current status of 4-5 star hotels in Phuket Province shows a relatively prepared infrastructure, including ramps, handrails, parking lots, and doors. However, there are operational issues such as elevators, stairs, building entrances and exits, connecting pathways, restrooms, guest rooms, showers, and bathtubs that lack preparation, notably older hotels constructed before 2005 are less prepared than those built afterward. 2)Challenges in preparing the hotel infrastructure include difficulties due to limited terrain, such as providing accommodations, bathrooms, restrooms, walkways, and connecting buildings. Managers lack understanding of the details of facilities for the elderly, focus on legal compliance rather than actual usability, and may overlook the importance of the elderly as a customer demographic. 3) Guidelinesะ for improving hotel facilities to accommodate elderly tourists include creating awareness, motivation, and incentives for businesses, relevant organizations to establish standards and certification, and updating laws to be contemporary.
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