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This study thoroughly examined the challenges and opportunities associated with Chinese language instruction in public schools in the Bangkok Metropolitan Area. This study aimed to: 1) examine the issues related to Chinese language teaching in public schools in the Bangkok Metropolitan Area, 2) analyze the problems of teaching Chinese in these schools, and 3) provide guidelines for teaching Chinese more effectively to both administrators and learners in the Bangkok Metropolitan Area. This qualitative research utilized in-depth interviews for data collection. The findings revealed that students lacked exposure to Chinese culture and had misunderstandings about it. There was a mismatch in learning strategies between teachers and students. Teachers lacked proper training and teaching methods, and students had limited opportunities to use Chinese in the classroom, leading to ineffective learning outcomes. The analysis grounded in various theories, touched upon aspects like motivation for learning, integration with the Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK), and the suitability of the curriculum. Students struggled to access and deeply understand Chinese culture, affecting their enthusiasm and efficiency in learning the language. Additionally, a discrepancy was found between teachers and students regarding teaching methods and learning strategies, complicating the learning process further. The study recommended several strategies to enhance the teaching and learning of Chinese. These included refining teaching methods, better integrating the educational content with HSK examinations to provide clear, attainable goals for students, facilitating greater access to Chinese culture and society to enrich the learners' experiences, and employing advanced language perception techniques to boost students' understandings and using of Chinese. Implementing these recommendations could lead to more effective Chinese language education, thereby preparing students for greater academic and professional success in a global context.
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