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In this research, a cross-sectional survey with the objective to study the level of happiness and quality of life of scholarship doctors in Nakhon Phanom Province was conducted. The population included scholarship doctors studying in Nakhon Phanom Province in 2023 with a total of 50 people. The instruments used in the research were a self-report happiness survey and the World Health Organization quality of life assessment. Data were analyzed using statistics, frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.
Based on the results of the study, it was found that: 1. The overall happiness of the scholarship doctors was at a happy level (71.15%), while the aspect of good health was at the extremely happy level (83.30%), good relaxation was at a happy level (72.10%), kindness was at a happy level (70.20%), the good spirituality aspect was at a happy level (83.20%), the good family aspect was at a happy level (70.10%), the good society was at the happy level (74.00%), good knowledge was at a happy level (66.15%), good health and money were at a happy level (65.10%), and good work was at the level of happiness (56.20%); and 2. Regarding the quality of life of the scholarship doctors, the overall happiness level was moderate to good (79.75%), and consideration of each area was as follows: The physical aspect was at a good level (85.71%), the mental aspect was at a moderate level (66.66%), the social relationship aspect was at a good level (86.66%), and the environmental aspect was at a good level (80.00%). Thus, based on this discovery of new knowledge, the happiness and quality of life of scholarship doctors should be improved to a happier and better level.
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