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Woraphop Prasantri
Praphansak Phum-in
Sureerat Chinpong


          The objectives of this research were 1) to determine the competencies of students in the curriculum in the music technology and sound design program, 2) to develop a model for curriculum development in the music technology and sound design program with professional competency as the base, 3) to develop a prototype curriculum for the field of music technology and sound design. The research study format used a mixed methods research process, which had the 5-step research method. The tools used in the research included questionnaires and interviewed which collected data from a sample of 200 people.

          The research results found that 1) there were 9 competencies of students in the music technology and sound design curriculum that were consistent with the needs of stakeholders. 2) The model for developing the music technology and sound design curriculum had professional competency as a base, consisting of 3 processes: competency and goals, process and performance, and learning and assessment, with a total of 17 steps, with the professional competency base as the goal in developing the curriculum, which had the concept of participation of graduate users as an important focus. 3) Prototype curriculum in music technology and sound design was a model curriculum to develop music technology curricula in higher education institutions with guidelines for setting career goals consistent with student competencies obtained from research and lead to courses that reflected learning outcomes. From the students' competencies, they could lead to the goals of 2 career groups: 1) producer, artist, music production and 2) sound operator, sound engineer, technician in sound system work, and practitioners in sound recording, sound mixing.

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How to Cite
Prasantri, W., Phum-in, P. ., & Chinpong, S. . (2024). A MODEL FOR CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT OF MUSIC TECHNOLOGY AND SOUND DESIGN IN UNDERGRADUATE INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION. Journal of Liberal Art of Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi, 6(1), 149–163. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/art/article/view/274113
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