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This research has the objective to analyze the cultural perspective reflected in the use of language in the novel Buppesannivas authored by Rom Phaeng or Chanyawee Sompreeda's pseudonym, which sets the theme and determines the characters to use the interesting and remarkable language. Due to the differences in languages between the language in the past and the present that readers must understand, the researchers therefore studied and analyzed the use of language by Thai people in the drama Buppesannivas in order to know the various cultures that appear in the story. The research is done by studying the criteria for classifying culture, collecting theories and research related to the use of language that reflects culture, collecting lectures and conversations of the full version of period drama Buppesannivas , analyzing strategies according to the criteria that have been set as well as the culture of language use of Thai people by using the Nida’s criteria for categorizing cultures namely: ecological culture, material culture, social culture, religious culture, and linguistic culture. The results were summarized and presented through descriptive analysis.
The research results found that the use of language in the novel Buppesannivas reflects a cultural perspective in various respects which are prominent in order respectively as follows; First of all, social culture in terms of social structure and social class; followed by religious culture which is the belief in the principles of Buddhism, belief in the law of karma and reincarnation, beliefs in astrology and magic spells and the last one is language culture in the use of images, the use of expressions, and the construction of words which is the use of slang words and transliterated words.
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