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The objectives of the research on an assessment on gastronomy tourism potential of Chiang Rai Province based on BCG economy (Bio. Circular and Green Economy Concept) 1) To assess gastronomy tourism potential of Chiang Rai Province based on BCG economic concept and 2) To study the characteristics and appropriate form of gastronomy tourism of Chiang Rai Province. A qualitative research method was used using a structured In-depth Interview as a tool to collect data from a sample group consisting of representatives from tourism-related agencies. Both government and private sector, tourism and food academics and tourists by using purposive sampling method. Key results found from the study found that Chiang Rai Province has the potential to be a gastronomic tourist destination based on the BCG economic concept, with the potential of being one of the most important tourist destinations in the country and having a good location, plenty and variety of tourism resources, including nature, art, culture, traditions, ways of life, and ethnic diversity. In particular the identity, authenticity and distinctiveness of local food. Being a famous production source of food materials and ingredients for cooking food and drinks such as tea and coffee, distributed in various areas of Chiang Rai Province which can be linked into tourist routes. There are restaurants that offer authentic and unique characteristics and flavors of food. In addition, it was also found that tourism management emphasizes the participation and involvement of communities and local residents, such as community-based tourism, agricultural tourism, ecotourism, sustainable tourism is considered as characteristics and appropriate forms of gastronomy tourism based on the BCG economic concept for Chiang Rai Province.
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