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The purposes of this research were 1) to analyze the priority needs for soft skills development; 2) to develop a soft skills development model; and 3) to evaluate the soft skills development model to enhance digital citizenship among students of Rajamangala University of Technology. The research comprised 3 stages: Stage 1 Analysis of priority needs for soft skills development. Data was collected from the sample group of totally 523 persons including 118 purposive selected administrators involving in student affairs at the university and faculty levels, and 405 proportionally selected student in 9 affiliates ; Stage 2 Developing a soft skills development model; and Stage 3 Evaluation of soft skills development model . Research tool was questionnaire. The analysis of data included descriptive statistics as percentage, mean, standard deviation; and priority needs index (PNIModified).
Research results are as followed 1) The analysis of priority needs for soft skills development to enhance digital citizenship among students Rajamangala University of Technology, by activity type revealed that the activity ranked first for priority need was academic activity to enhance desirable characteristics of graduates (PNIModified = .324) 2) The Soft skills development model to enhance digital citizenship among students of Rajamangala University of Technology was titled HITCoP Model with H = Health Effect, I = Innovative and Information, T= Teamwork and Thinking, Co = Communication, and P = Personal. The model contained 3 student development activities, 4 major skills, 12 sub-skills, and 3 issues of digital citizenship. 3) Evaluation of the HITCoP Model reported the propriety of 100% for the Model title in Thai and 78.60% for the Model title in English; 88.10% for Model objectives; 92.90% for Model diagram; and 94.47% for Model composition
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