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The objective of this research article is to study a outside reading book about Spirits of the Yellow Leaves or Phi Tong Lueng entitled “Mlabri” that conveys the meaning of the yellow Phi Tong for youth to learn. The research method is collecting of information, studying related research and analysis of data. The results of the study are reported in the form of description, summary, and discussion of the findings. The results of the study found that outside reading book about Phi Tong Lueang entitled “Mlabri” had instilled in young learners’ respect for the humanity of nomadic tribes and known the value of forests. The textbook for outside reading conveyed the meaning of Phi Tong Lueang as follows: 1. Phi Tong Lueang was person who respected and feared nature; 2. Phi Tong Lueang was a nomadic forest person; 3. Phi Tong Lueang was the preserver of nature and the forest and 4. Phi Tong Lueang was a tribe that was about to disappear. Linguistic methods that expressed Phi Tong Lueang were as follows: 1) How to refer to (Referencing) 2) How to expand (Modification) 3) Method of metaphor (Metaphor) and 4) Method of story telling (Narrative). That is, a benefit from studying outside reading book about Phi Tong Lueang reflects that the outside reading book tries to insert the mindset of state power as a medium to instill in children and youth an awareness of the ethnic differences of people in Thai society, honor human dignity equally, even if they are nomadic forest people, they have equal rights in society. It also creates awareness among children and youth about forest conservation in Thailand, which is the source of natural perfection and ecology.
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