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Takorn Uamsathit
Kanokwan Yaekpiwpong
Piyapa Tuvicharanon
Khwansuda Worawibun
Varothai Sommit
Rachan Prueksa


This article aimed to study the ability in writing academic reports in terms of format, content used in preparing academic report and the usage language in writing academic reports among the students at Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi, Suphanburi Campus. This research was a combined research method. The sample was students at Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi, Suphanburi Campus, bachelor’s degree who registered to study in the course Thai for Communication of academic year 2019 in amount of 294 students. They were selected by non-probability sampling using a specific method (purposive sampling). The instruments for collecting data were table analyzing ability in writing academic reports and 294 volumes of students' academic reports. The data analyzed by descriptive statistics and content analysis using 3 criteria: format, content and language usage. The research results were found as follows; 1. The academic report writing styles, the most problematic issues were bibliography, spacing, and character style not following the required criteria at 50.30, 24.09, and 12.04 percent, respectively. 2. Writing of paragraphs and the compilation of issues were the most problematic issues found, accounting for 53.99 and 46.01 percent, respectively. 3. The aspect of language usage, it was found that writing and spelling, tearing words between lines, the usage of words, and the usage of punctuation the problematic issues at 29.19, 25.16, 22.36 and 20.03 percent, respectively.

            The reasons why students lacked ability in writing academic reports were that students lacked of listening, reading, writing, and systematic thinking skills. Including not having thoroughness and a deep understanding in working, they also lacked in Microsoft Word using skills.

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How to Cite
Uamsathit, T. ., Yaekpiwpong, K. ., Tuvicharanon, P. ., Worawibun, K. ., Sommit, V. ., & Prueksa, R. . (2023). PROBLEMS OF ACADEMIC REPORTS CONDUCTING: A CASE STUDY OF STUDENTS IN RAJAMANGALA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY SUVARNABHUMI SUPHANBURI CAMPUS. Journal of Liberal Art of Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi, 5(3), 550–563. retrieved from
Research Articles


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