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This was a research and development paper aimed to study the components and indicators of the mathematical literacy for Grade 9 students and draft the curriculum to enhance the mathematical literacy for Grade 9 students. The experimental group in this study was 38 students in Grade 9, Srinakharinwirot University Prasarnmit Demonstration School (Secondary) in the first semester of the 2023 academic year. The research instruments consisted of four parts which were 1) the assessment form to check for the appropriateness of the components, sub-components, and indicators of the mathematical literacy for Grade 9 students and the congruence of the components, sub-components, and indicators of the mathematical literacy for Grade 9 students, 2) a mathematical literacy test to evaluate the mathematical literacy of Grade 9 students, 3) drafting the curriculum to enhance the mathematical literacy for Grade 9 students, and 4) the assessment form to check for the appropriateness and congruence between the elements of the draft curriculum to enhance the mathematical literacy for Grade 9 students. Statistics used in the data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. From the results of this study, it was found that the components, sub-components, and indicators for Grade 9 students' mathematics literacy consisted of two main components, 11 sub-components, and 27 indicators. Moreover, each element in the draft curriculum to enhance the mathematical literacy for Grade 9 students was most appropriate. The mean was 4.62 and the standard deviation was 0.52, and each element in the draft curriculum to enhance the mathematical literacy for Grade 9 students had congruence with an overall average of 0.99.
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