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Wanvisa Masoot
Sritakan Srichat


This article aimed to study English communication strategies used by Thai stall vendors at Ayutthaya night market (Telephone Organization Market), Phranakorn Si Ayutthaya province. This research was mixed methods research. The population of this research was 110 Thai stall vendors. The instruments for collecting data were 1) the table on English communication strategies used by Thai stall vendors at Ayutthaya night market based on the concept of English Communication Strategies framework proposed by Tarone, Zolton Donyei, and Bialystok 2) the semi-structured interviews on the use of English communication strategies by Thai stall vendors. The data obtained from the interview transcripts which were classified in the Table on English Communication Strategies used by Thai stall vendors at Ayutthaya night market 3) the questionnaire on the use of English communication strategies by Thai stall vendors.  Statistical methods used for data analysis included content analysis and descriptive statistics by percentages, mean, and standard deviation.

The study's results from the interviews indicated that the most frequently employed communication strategy was using the use of nonlinguistic means at 60.97%, followed by the foreignizing strategy at 9.75%. The least frequently used communication strategies word coinage and semantic contiguity were the least frequently used communication strategies, both at 2.44%. In addition, the findings from the questionnaire revealed that the overall of communication strategies used by the Thai stall vendors are rated at the high level with a mean score of 4.20. These findings showed that Thai stall vendors should be trained and develop English speaking skill to enhance effective communication and achieve professional success.

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How to Cite
Masoot, W., & Srichat, S. (2023). ENGLISH COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES OF AYUTTHAYA NIGHT MARKET CASE STUDY: TELEPHONE ORGANIZATION STALL VENDORS IN PHRANAKHON SI AYUTTHAYA PROVINCE. Journal of Liberal Art of Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi, 5(3), 607–621. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/art/article/view/271473
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Wanvisa Masoot, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnbhumi

Department of Foreign Languages

Sritakan Srichat, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnbhumi

Department of Foreign Languages


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