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This article aimed to (1) study the development of drawing training application with a dual process for enhancing creative thinking of primary school students, (2) to compare the accuracy scores of creativity thinking test on computerized version in pictures of things, pictures of animals and pictures of people in the experimental group after training versus the control group, and (3) to compare the mean relative power of EEG. The alpha frequency range in the experimental group after training, the sample was sixty participants aged between 10 – 12 years old participated. They were selected by simple random assignment employed to place them in experimental and control groups of equal size. This research was an experimental research. The instrument for collecting data was drawing training application with a dual process and creativity thinking test on computerized version was assessed by response accuracy scores. Analysis data by Descriptive statistics, One-way ANOVA, MANOVA and Content Validity Index Analysis. The research results were:
1) An application to practice drawing lines with a parallel process as a line drawing practice both cartoon and realistic images sorted of easy to difficult level.
2) The accuracy scores in the experimental group after training were higher than the control group.
3) After training, the mean relative power of EEG with the alpha frequency range in the experimental group expressed right hemisphere alpha wave was stronger and more pervasive than left hemisphere that was statistically significant and involved in art creativity.
These showed that the drawing practice application developed with a tandem process was usable for primary school students to increase the creative thinking appropriately.
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