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This research aimed to examine Thai textbooks of primary education levels 1-6 concerning eight desirable characteristics of women through female characters in the main stories. Six Thai textbooks of the Pasa Pati series launched by the Ministry of Education were selected for the study. Regarding the content scope, the main stories in the 88 lessons written by experts according to the core curriculum of basic education were focused on. The research methods consisted of data collection, data analysis, and presentation of the results in the form of descriptive analysis.
The results revealed that the textbooks depicted eight desirable characteristics of women through the three generations of female characters as follows: (1) girls and young women possessed desirable characteristics, including Item 1- the love for nation, religion, and the King, and Item 4-the eagerness to learn; (2) women in adulthood possessed desirable characteristics, including Item 1- the love for nation, religion, and the King, and Item 7- the love for Thainess; (3) women in old age possessed desirable characteristics of Item 1- the love for nation, religion, and the King, Item 7- the love for Thainess.
The research results indeed reflected the government’s intention to instill virtue in girls and young women of the primary education levels 1-6 so that they have good manners, adopt an attitude that promotes feminine values, create happiness within their families, as well as participate in community and social development.
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