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The research on social ecology common-pool resource management of Houi Han community, Wieng Kaen district, Chiang Rai province was a case study qualitative research with a purpose to build social ecology model for explanation of common-pool resource management of Houi Han community, Wieng Kaen district, Chiang Rai province. The important key-informants were 13 community leaders together with house group leaders and village committee. The research instrument was interview form whereas the information were analyzed by data classification and triangulation method.
The research results were found as follows; 1. The social ecology of the Houi Han community was inheriting of wisdom and application to a new way of life in order to make proper use of common-pool resources social ecology model with common-pool resource management that was divided into 4 level; 1) Personal level was respect to resource guardian deity ,sufficient utilization of resource and non-violation of resource usage rules; 2) Organization level was conscience of sufficient, community rights, investigate of common-pool resource; 3) Community level was collaborative values, community strength ,and 4) Policy level was formulation of policies at the community level for the right to utilize resources only for the people in the community, regulations and state law. and 2. Common-pool resource management were; 1) Utilization for consumption in community under the control of the village committee; 2) Sufficiency utilization strike a balance between the rate of resource utilization and utilization; 3) Traditional activities of the Hmong ethnic group caused by personal and community belief; 4) Community regulations created from ancestral ways, deprivation of exploitation and state law; 5) Self-reliance ability of community ,the convenience of transporting goods for consumption from outside the community and 6) Freedom to refuse external project that did not benefit the people in the community.
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