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Education models in COVID-19 post-pandemic era has been modified to a hybrid learning to be diverse in order to ensure that the teaching flows smoothly, whether under epidemic or in normal situations. Applying the model that can be used for teaching and learning in various ways through information technology devices contributes to smooth teaching and learning in the post-COVID-19 era as many education models require those devices to be accessed. Websites or applications are another channel that can be accessed conveniently and quicky using those information technology devices. However, finding an appropriate websites or applications for teaching and learning English is not that easy. Students still faces problems that they are unable to interact and communicate in English, moreover, they are lack of motivation to study. Using an application or website that can solve those problems appropriately is therefore very essential in order for learners to develop their communication skills and help to increase their motivation to study English. The website Baamboozle is a website for teaching and learning English using Game-Based Learning (GBL). It can be applied with the following 4 learning styles: on site, online, on demand and on hand. According to many research, Game-based learning creates a fun learning environment that encourages greater motivation for learners. In addition, the interaction between teachers and learners in class encourages learners to develop their own learning process. It also helps learners to improve their English communication skills because they have to answer the questions that they select in English correctly to get their points.
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