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Kesinee Pratumsuwan
Phiraphath Phansiri
Aut Areerob


The objectives of this action research were to: 1) develop participatory community innovation based on the philosophy of sufficiency economy, and 2) drive participatory community innovation towards sustainable quality of life development. There were 2 target areas: Nong Krathum Subdistrict, Kamphaeng Saen District, and Wang Taku Subdistrict, Mueang District, Nakhon Pathom Province. A participatory action research process was used as a research method. The 34 co-researchers consisted of community leaders, local administrators, and public volunteers, selected by purposive selection. Data was gathered through community forums, surveys, in-depth interviews, focus group discussion and lesson-learn. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, content analysis and practical knowledge extraction.

          The results show that most people are sick with chronic non-communicable diseases, due to lifestyle, consumer behavior, and lack of exercise. The two communities, therefore, agreed to improve the quality of life on the issue of safe vegetable consumption and reduce the use of chemicals. Household organics that contribute to participatory community innovation development is the “Keyhole Garden.” There are 7 steps in order to develop and drive the innovation to the communities: 1) community forum, 2) study and take lessons, 3) develop a manual for making keyhole garden, 4) practice experiments on sample plots, 5) summarize experimental results, 6) transfer knowledge and technology, and 7) volunteers develop keyhole gardens for vulnerable people.  37 gardens are outcomes from this research process. The community's perception of innovation, relative advantage aspect is moderate, while the compatibility aspect is at a high level. The overall satisfaction with the development and use of the keyhole garden is at a high level.

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How to Cite
Pratumsuwan, K. ., Phansiri, P. ., & Areerob, A. . (2023). THE PARTICIPATAORY DEVELOPMENT OF COMMUNITY INNOVATION BASED ON THE SUFFICIENCY ECONOMY PHILOSOPHY, NAKHON PATHOM. Journal of Liberal Art of Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi, 5(2), 257–270. retrieved from
Research Articles


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