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This article aimed to: 1) study the potential components of executives of small food manufacturing factories to increase competitiveness, 2) develop a potential model of executives of small food manufacturing factories to increase competitiveness, and 3) create a guideline manual for potential development of executives of small food manufacturing factories to increase competitiveness. This is mixed-method research with a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches. There were four categories of informants: 1) in-depth interviews of 11 experts, 2) questionnaires collected from 402 executives, 3) focus group discussions of 14 experts, and 4) 5 experts in a guideline manual assessment. Research instruments were an in-depth interview guide, a questionnaire, and a manual assessment form. Qualitative data was analyzed by content analysis. Statistical methods for quantitative interpretation were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and factor analysis.
The research results showed that the potential of executives can be divided into components according to the type of competencies. Core competencies consisted of 14 components, while competence in food processing industry consisted of 6components affecting the potential development of executives of small food manufacturing factories. The findings led to a model of potential development that can be applied effectively and a guideline manual for potential development of executives that contained potential assessment methods and methods for potential development of executives by components. The result of the guideline manual assessment by experts showed that, in terms of suitability, the guideline manual for potential development is the most appropriate with the average score ( = 4). In terms of application, with the average score ( =4), the manual is the most suitable.
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