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The objectives of this research were (1) to study the management of vocational education for vocational training schools in Bangkok, and (2) to present policies that can be put into practice for vocational training schools. The research tool was a semi-structured interview. The quality of the interview forms was found by validating methods as well as the appropriateness of the interview forms and the interview forms were applied to actual use. The sample group population included 10 Bangkok vocational training schools with three schools selected as samples. Thirty-six key informants were specifically selected from Panyapiwat Institute of Management, executives of Central Group, executives of Black Canyon (Thailand) Co., Ltd., and executives of Huawei Technology (Thailand) Co., Ltd. The data analysis was conducted using content analysis methods.
The results of the study showed that: (1) The input factors consist mostly of courses in industrial fields, typically, short courses and those with unique features, and the other input factors are administrators, teachers, speakers, assistant teachers, lecturers, buildings, equipment, classrooms, and laboratories. There are very low tuition fees. The process factors consist of teaching and learning that emphasize hands-on practice in every curriculum. The education management offers short courses. Study takes place from Monday to Friday, in the morning, afternoon, and evening as well as Saturday or Sunday courses. In addition, there are enhancements for morality and appropriate personality. The outcome factors that occurred were good academic results, good skills, outstanding morals, good personality, and after graduation, there was work, income, and a career. (2) The policy proposal is that the vocational training schools in Bangkok should cooperate with the private sector, and should improve new professional courses, such as artificial intelligence, the internet of things, electric vehicle mechanics, digital platforms, and online trading.
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