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Political fervor near the election of representatives causes every political party finds different strategies for election campaigns since designing the finesse of persuading voters, or those who influence voters' vote, to choose to vote for their candidates and political parties by using political communications. Such political communications are used to communicate with the people who have the right to vote in all forms, including face-to-face talk, addressing large groups of people, the use of television, radio, billboards, pamphlets, online media by using information, news, problems and needs of the people obtained from public opinion and other resources to form the policy of the party as well as creating the image of candidates and their political parties by using political marketing in order to get votes to win the competitors. In this article, a communication style that uses empathy with four key elements, namely trust, truth, respect and respect, body language, is proposed for political parties to use as a tool to increase efficiency in communicating with the people who have the right to vote in order to design an election campaign appropriately in the current era where people want the truth. Confidence in policies announced by political parties, candidate integrity, the ability to be a communicator who uses body language to communicate and respect for others are the important weapons that political parties should consider in order to win votes against their opponents as they have set goals without forgetting the introduction of rapidly evolving communication technologies to create political power as well.
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