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The objectives of this research are 1) to study demand for information resources and service of the public library users in Suphanburi province and 2) propose development strategies for information resources and service of the public library users in Suphanburi Province. This research used mixed method to collect data by using questionnaires to collect quantitative data together with In–depth and Focus Group Interview to collect qualitative data. A sample group of quantitative method was 120 people and 30 people for qualitative method. The collected data were analyzed by using the frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The hypotheses were tested by Independent Sample (t-test), One-way ANOVA (F-test). If differences were found, it would lead to pairwise comparison using the LSD method. The result showed that library users have satisfaction in using information services in the overall at moderate level with an average of 3.20; Problems in using information and services in general were at a moderate level with an average of 3.15 and Demand for information resources and public library services in Suphanburi province in overall is at moderate level with an average of 3.17 and 2) personal factors including gender, age, status, education level and different professions affect the demand for information resources and library services of the public indifferently. Therefore, public libraries should provide media and provide modern and sufficient information services to meet the needs of users including related agencies. Budget support should be provided for public libraries to purchase all types of media meets the needs of users and personnel support, which is an important mechanism to develop an efficient information service system.
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