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The researchers studied Thailand’s Food Tourism Supply Chain after the COVID-19 crisis. It studied Supply Chain Management and the Relationship Between Food Tourism and Tourism Activities. The involvement from the Origin of Raw Materials until Goods Delivery and Services to Tourists. Since the food represents the uniqueness of the community in the local area. Additionally, the way of life within the culture of the country. The objectives of this academic article were to suggest guidelines for promoting Food Tourism Supply Chains in Thailand. The Author searched and studied information from relevant research papers. The studies consisted of content analysis and descriptive results synthesis. It was found that the Supply Chain of Food Tourism in Thailand is a starter of Source Producers, including farmers, gardeners, and food and drink processors. The products were passed via intermediaries of local entrepreneurs. The data gained can be food history and valuable information for investors. It linked four facets of the food tourism activity: 1. Street Food and Food Markets, 2. Food Festivals and Food Exhibitions, 3. Food Tours, Farm Tours, and Health Tours, 4. Cooking Classes and Cooking Competitions, and relationships with official Sponsors, including Government agencies and the private sector that supports the venues, logistics and transportation companies, tours companies, and accommodation establishments.
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