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The purpose of this research was to study communication consultancy services for the Chief Executive of the Provincial Administrative Organization, in terms of 1) factors that influence decisions to hire communication consultants, 2) patterns of communication or services, 3) patterns of management or services, and 4) room for improvement of communication and management services. The results showed that 1) people who run for the office of PAO needed communication consultants during election campaign and also during the time running the office, so that they can maintain constant popularity. 2) patterns of communication or services during the period of election were a) election campaign, b) image communication, c) political responses, d) his/her policies and qualification communication, and e) public speech communication, which communication consultants had to concentrate on problem identification, audience behaviors, target setting, and evaluation methods. During the period of running the office, the Chief Executive PAO needed consulting services for a) image communication, b) public speech communication, c) his/her policies and achievements communication, d) PAO parliament duty communication, e) corporate communication, and f) communication during crisis. 3) patterns of management or services were a) setting up system of communication in PAO, b) managing communication through experts outside organization, 4) room for improvement of communication and management services consisted of a) new patterns of communication through media innovation that would help the process of communication to be precise, cost-saving, and able to reach a wide range of audience groups, b) develop forms of consulting services inside the PAO to have high potential and stay current with latest technology. As for using experts outside the organization, the scope of communication work must be clear in terms of quantity, quality, and worthiness.
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